The Front-End Development Expert

Umut Buyukoz


Hello, I'm [Umut Büyüköz]. I'm an experienced professional in front-end development and graphic design. I've been working in this field since [2021], contributing to various projects. I'm passionate about improving user experience and providing aesthetically pleasing solutions.

In front-end development, I'm proficient in fundamental technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, I utilize ReactJS, one of the modern frameworks, to develop interactive and dynamic web applications. When coding, I strive to adhere to clean and accessible coding standards. Moreover, I continuously explore new techniques and tools to enhance browser compatibility and performance.

Regarding graphic design, I use professional tools like Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, XD) to produce visual communication projects. I have a strong aesthetic sense in color, typography, and composition, and I pay attention to details to create designs that align with brand identity.

For a successful project, I aim to combine my technical skills with my creative vision to deliver user-friendly and impactful solutions.

Front-end development involves creating the interactive part of websites or applications.

To launch your website, define your purpose and identify your target audience. Then, choose a suitable domain name and get hosting services.

I can provide instant assistance in website creation. I guide you based on your needs and answer your questions.

Security policy includes measures like data protection, access controls, and encryption, ensuring user privacy and data integrity.

Node.js It is a working environment that enables the use of JavaScript running on the server side. In particular, it allows the rapid and efficient development of web applications and APIs.

WordPress It is the most widely used among content management systems. It offers a powerful platform for creating websites and blogs. WordPress's flexible plugin and theme system allows you to customize and extend your content.

Python It is a general-purpose programming language and is used in various fields, such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing and automation. It is known for its simple and readable syntax and has a large community.

HTML5 & CSS3 They are basic web technologies used to determine the structure (HTML5) and style (CSS3) of web pages. HTML5 offers modern features such as advanced multimedia support and semantic elements. CSS3 is used to control visual design and animations.

JavaScript It is a programming language that runs in web browsers and makes web pages interactive. It can be used both on the client side (in the browser) and on the server side (Node.js). It forms the basis of modern web applications with its dynamic and flexible structure.